Popkorn featured a story on Shweta's new role in Amber Dhaara. Popkorn anchor said that after playing princess Tia in Remix, Shweta Gulati once again portrays a princess-like character in Ambar Dhaara as Sonya Jaiswal.
Shweta was shown at the launch party of Ambar Dhaara
She talked abt her character and said she was playing a baddie in the show who creates problems for the twins. Divulging more on her character, Shweta said that its more of a grey character wherein inspite of being friends with the twins Amber and Dhaara, Sonya (shweta) hates them for being complete inspite of their abnormalities.
The entire cast including shweta seemed very excited abt the show. Shweta also said that she hopes her fans will like her new role.
this was shown last week..i managed to catch the repeat on weekend popkorn on sunday