Happy new year to everyne on this board I wish you health, love and happiness. May this year be a great one for all of you And happy new year too to our beloved shweta gulati and karan wahi
and i hope this year we will be able to see more of shwetaand karan on tv and remix comes back air.. letkeep our fingers crossed HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL, MAY THE YEAR BRING PEACE, HEALTH, LOVE AND HAPPINESS TO YOU ALL
year 2008 has be4en good for both shweta and her fans we got to see her more..first as a main lead inKBKB ...A ROLE SHE EXCELLED AS RHEA NO NONSENSEC ORPORATE EXECUTIVE .. she has been part of two of most successful tv shows... and our wish to see shweta as an anchor was fulfilled when she hosted ZND ..though i am not v ery please with her role in DMG ... AS FAR AS KARAN e narrowly missed being crowened as mr tv a title he truly deserves ;ets hope we get to see more of him in year 2009