As the actors of Filmys comedy show Jigar Ma Badi Aag Hai try hard to make viewers laugh, they also ensure fun on the sets themselves too. Recently, the entire unit had a good laugh when Sachin Sharma refused to let co-star Shweta Gulati tie him a rakhi. Sharma and Gulati play lovers in the show, but the rakhi episode was supposed to be part of a funny dream sequence. But Sharma was not ready to accept a rakhi from his reel-life love interest at any cost. While people teased him about it, the actor refused to budge. If Im in love, I wouldnt even dream of her tying me a rakhi, he says, unapologetically. Finally the production team had to give in.
Author: BY The LIFE@WORK TEAM Date: 07 Jan 2008 For practical solutions to your every day beauty needs, write in with your full name and address to beauty expert Shahnaz Husain at
Dear Shahnaz, Exposure to the sun is turning my skin progressively darker every day. Please suggest a home remedy to brighten my skin. Neha Vavle
Dear Neha, Mix rice powder with curd, and use this mixture as a facial scrub, twice a week. Apply on your face and rub gently into your skin, in small circular movements. Wash off with water. Mix one tsp each of honey and lemon juice. Apply daily, washing off in 20 minutes. You could also apply papaya pulp, tomato juice or cucumber juice on your face, and wash off. They help to lighten the complexion.
Anti Tan Skin: Use a curd and rice powder mixture to get TV actor Shweta Gulatis bright glow